Monday, November 24, 2014

'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up' by Marie Kondo

I have to admit to reading lots of de-cluttering books in the course of the last few years.  Most have the same theme threading through them, and mostly we know all of what they're telling us.  We just want to postpone the inevitable, which is that the cleaning must take place.  But, from time to time, someone hits onto a topic that's a bit different.  Marie Kondo in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has come up with a trick that might be the one thing that finally clicks with me.  

She says to take up each item in your house and ask if it brings you joy.  At first thought that sounds a bit over-the-top, but if you think about it, it makes sense.  Of course the idea of putting all of your clothes, ALL of your clothes on the floor and going through them item by item seems bizarre.  But that's what Marie asks you to do.  Then you do the same with your books, on down to your special mementos.  Each thing you ask of it if it brings you joy.  Yes, you heard it.  Joy.

And if you think about it, we have houses full of stuff that fills space, and we don't even like it much.  
Since finishing Marie's book I've taken up corners of the house and asked the question.  I've not piled up all my clothes to sort, but with a houseful of humans with me, I might have to alter her style to work for me.  Maybe I'm not radical about this cleaning thing, but Marie Kondo has inspired me in her book called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  And on a humorous note, I downloaded the ebook to read.  No clutter there!

(i received this book free to review from bloggingforbooks)