I've just finished reading Mimi Thorisson's beautiful cookbook called A Kitchen in France--A Year of Cooking in My Farmhouse and found it such a comfort. With her husband's crisp and mouthwatering photographs highlighting her cooking, she makes every day a Feast Day. I'm inspired, and encouraged to be a bit more adventurous in the kitchen. And to take more care in preparing a meal.
Mimi takes the simplest of ingredients and creates a masterpiece. And in reading through the recipes, she proves that the most ordinary bits and pieces can be woven together to feed family and friends in an elegant way.
With modern lifestyles being centered more on hurry and get-it-done in as short a time as possible, she brings old-style into our homes. Her meals are definitely full of love.
I truly loved reading her book. Every page is a delight. And the way the book is divided into seasons is clever, telling us how to cook within a framework on what's available and fresh. To cook within those parameters gives a bit of new-ness to a meal, not assuming all ingredients are at their best at all times. I like that idea. Plus, cooking within the seasons allows some foods to be looked forward to.
I wish her well, and truly offer thanks for sharing her home and family. Gorgeous children, and a delight all around. For more about Mimi, please visit her blog called Manger.
(i received this book free to review from blogging for books...many, many thanks!)