A few of you asked what author Robert Benson had said in his letter to me---he thanked me for the note I'd sent him awhile back, said they'd had sickness in his home, and that he was glad his 'scribbles' as he put it, were of a help to me. Imagine. Scribbles. Very gentlemanly, and kind, which is how he comes across in his books anyway. Such a joy to receive. I've never gotten a letter from an author before, but not sure as I've ever written one. He puts his address in the back of some of his books, so is available, and he's in Nashville, which is just a hop-skip and a jump away.
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COLD here. Below freezing at night, for several evenings lately, but supposed to be warmer for Thanksgiving. Hopefully before then. Darn cold for the South this early.
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Finished Jan Karon's Home to Holly Springs last night. I'd bought it at the library sale--the only one of her novels I'd not read so far, and it was good to get the background story that leads into her newest book. Had to laugh at the light swearing some of the character's engage in, if you want to all it that. For years my husband has said he "doesn't give a rat's a**," and to read that in her books was a pleasant surprise. And to find that Father Tim was more human than I'd given him credit for. He's sort of larger than life in Mitford, and sometimes appears too good to be true. Glad he's ordinary and messed up like the rest of us. Not sure but this book is her most honest portrayal of him. Online I found a very sweet interview with her here. You might enjoy it---I sure did.
Appreciated that she got the Tennessee/Mississippi (Miss'ippi, as we say) accent down pat, but she's pretty good at that, even though she hails from North Carolina. :) All Southern accents are not equal, by any means.
At the same sale, picked up a copy of Patches of Godlight as well, and have been thumbing through that one. It's more of a read a bit, put it down sort of book, but I'm glad to have it.
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Waiting for Gary to get paid from a couple of customers---down to gas and toilet paper money, so more in the coffers will be nice when these folks step up to the plate. I told him he ought to say that his poor children will go hungry this weekend if they don't pay up. Not sure as folks always understand the dilemma of the self-employed, though the two designers we're waiting for are self-employed as well. 'Course they have husbands who have regular jobs. C'mon now. (he just texted me---one customer is coming before noon---hallelujah)
In a bit of a 'Stinky Pete' mood, nonetheless. Had a run-in with youngest son yesterday about his English work, and he had a bit of a trying attitude. Gary puts it down to him being 18, but I'm not convinced. Moms and sons....not my finest hour. The girls cut me more slack.
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Will go now. Tea-time is way over, and need to get it in gear. Said son is at my mom's for the day, with English book in-hand. He needed to get outta here. Will tidy the house in preparation for everyone being home for dinner. Something HOT sounds comforting, and comfort is a special need for me lately. Take care.