Sunday, December 21, 2014

'Novel Interiors' by Lisa Borgnes Giramonti

As a follower of Lisa Borgnes Giramonti's blog, A Bloomsbury Life, I was very pleased to hear about the publication of her book called Novel Interiors:  Living in Enchanted Rooms Inspired by Literature.  Happily it lives up to the writing and photographs I'm used to her sharing.

This gorgeous book is divided up into six decorative styles including the cozy, cottagey look found in Elizabeth Gaskell and Kenneth Grahame's writing on to the fancier styles that are reminiscent of F. Scott Fitzgerald, and lots in between, including a Bohemian section that's wonderfully colorful.  And to add further to her beautiful writing, Lisa has brought together the photographs of Ivan Terestchenko and paired them with literary quotes that match in clever ways.  

"Simple elegance is what we aim at...make it all look pretty, and impromptu, and natural."~from Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters

Happily her decorating advice is creative and helpful.  Ways to use color or accessories in order to achieve the look she's focusing on---causing you to think beyond what's currently being used in your home.  And with the book sectioned off into the six style categories, you're able to focus on whichever style appeals to you the most.  But maybe my most favorite part is reading the quotes she uses.  For a reader, this is rich indeed.  More books to hunt for, and being further inspired by the beautiful rooms.  Interior design and reading.  The perfect match.

I found it a very charming book---very much like her blog.

(i received this book free to review from bloggingforbooks)