Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The twenty-third

~daisy has the right idea

Here's the thing.  I've been reading other blogs and seeing what everyone's up to for Christmas.  Some are rattled (like yours truly was yesterday), some are overly precious (which isn't me, but is sometimes so doggone cute), and some are all caught up in the joy of the holiday.  Really experiencing it.  I enjoy all the stories.  Traditions are so special and individual.

Thankful for a short trip out with fourth son this morning, which was totally not planned.  Got bath towels for one son who lives away, since his towels sort of disappeared.  Not a clue.  I bought cheap, white ones that can be bleached to heck, because he tends to get into stuff when he works on his car.  And we still do his laundry here, so I figure I can buy him the most sensible towels known to man.  And cheap is the most sensible.  Besides, thick and plush towels take forEVer to dry in the dryer.

No chores to do now except make another batch of that Cranberry Christmas Cake from the other day that was such a hit.  I'll do that tomorrow---will pack some up for the three oldest boys.  It was a tad too tart for me, but a drizzle of confectioner's sugar frosting ought to fix that.

Listening to old Justin Bieber and NSync (feeding my special fondness for boybands).  If the girls would quit putting their CDs on my laptop, I'd not go through this temptation (read sarcasm---nobody's twisting my arm here).  They were making Christmas cookies and gingerbread men before I went out today and first began playing Josh Groban Christmas music that was making me sad.  Just so melancholy.  Then they suddenly switched to Elvis which made me want to do the Twist.  The least one ADORES Elvis.  Got her some dangly earrings with him on them.  She'll have a fit.  You should hear her sing along with him.  She knows all the words.  Who knew?

Everything's (hopefully) winding down for all of us.  Get some sleep.