Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Merry Christmas Eve

~an old photo of my favorite ornament

An overcast day.  Not raining, but restful.  The girls are watching 'all-day' Christmas movies on t.v.  Lame acting, but that fits with what a Christmas movie is all about, yes?  Hallmark on steroids.  But sweet, and that's what counts.  No heavy thinking.  My woodboy is puttering with his pens.  He went to the shop briefly, but nobody was about, so he came home.  Nice.

Baking the Cranberry Christmas Cake for divvying out to the older boys.  We'll have a simple dinner tonight of potato salad (already made) and tuna fish sandwiches which Woodboy will make since he says we all use too much mayonnaise.  

Church will be after dinner.  Late enough so folks can be together for the evening meal at home beforehand, which is a good idea.  Candles, but no incense.  Think I'll try to get photos since it's so absolutely stunning with the lights low and the hurricane lampshades in the windows.  Greenery and red ribbons.  Should be a restful time after weeks of preparations with life in general.  Holy Communion, which we do whenever the doors are open, but it's a wonderful way to be open to new beginnings.  I do love the idea of fresh starts, especially since the last two years have been so draining.

Not sure which boys will join us for dinner tomorrow night.  Everyone will be here in the morning, which is a huge blessing.  Boys-with-girlfriends will likely not be here for the rest of the day.  So thankful to have all my chickens early on, though.  Mending fences as we speak.  Wounded relationships are healing.

Wondering if any of them will have announcements to share.  Oldest son is making noises about changes.  Quiet noises, but noise nonetheless. He rents an apartment with second son, but only pays rent.  He's never there, and said he won't be part of the new lease come spring.  Third son is officially engaged, but they're not talking about wedding plans.  Yet.

A no-drama Christmas sounds just the ticket for me.  Quiet, which is what we all need so desperately.  And the ability to listen.

Take care.