Thursday, December 11, 2014

Things at home...

A better day than yesterday, which saw me going out to the bookstore after dinner for a little pick-me-up disguised as used book buying.  I needed a fix.  Found a perfect copy of Elizabeth Buchan's Consider the Lily.  Never have read that one, but have read all of her other books---Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman, etc.  Three bucks.  Deal.

I had to get out of the house, after youngest son drove me nuts earlier in the afternoon.  We've been having these episodes of clashing wills, but I refuse to allow one more child get the better of me.  I tend to go into their rooms, confront them, and at least attempt to clear the air.  As I knocked on this son's bedroom door yesterday afternoon, I distinctly heard the Lord tell me, "This might not be the best time."  And yes, I disregarded the warning.  Should've listened, but eventually it worked out.  Later might have been better, however.  Several hours later, he hugged me before bed.  Oh my, glad of that, but parenting will eat you up and spew you out.  Hugs are a good way to end a trying day, though.  Children whose moods are unreliable, are, well, not my favorite thing in the world.

Tomorrow should be low-key.  This particular son will take his schoolwork over to my mom's for the day, and the girls and I will get a break.  I need to get it in gear in terms of Christmas.  Have ordered a few things online, which should be here soon.  Need a tree.  Cut one?  I'm thinking a Cedar found in some out-of-the-way location would be nice.  Wreaths are still in the attic, as are the decorations.  Guess you could say we're taking it slow.  We are reading Advent selections every night (thank you sweet Sara) and lighting the candles.  That's about it.  Nobody's complaining, so I guess it's not a problem.

Off to read now.  Several review books to dig into, and my E. Buchan.  Take care.