Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday's thoughts

Dizzy and a bit breathless today.  Thinking I caught a bit of the cold the kids have shared between themselves.  Not a worry.  I was able to write to the church email list saying the least one couldn't acolyte tomorrow.  We'll just lay low.  Frankly feel a bit worn after the Supremes let us down yesterday.  Have to trust God on that one.

Got a couple of Dee Hardie's books that'd been on hold for me at the library.  If you ever read House Beautiful magazine years ago you might have read her regular pieces called View from Thornhill Farm.  Very, very comforting.  Worth a look-see if your library has them.  The ones I got are called Views from Thornhill and Hollyhocks, Lambs and other Passions.  I'm thinking the eighties, when these were written, was like no other decade. :)  That's when I got married and had three of our eight children.  Sweet times.  I miss that.

Cooler air blowing through today and tonight.  We'll be able to sleep in Sunday morning, which will be a nice treat.  Just coddle ourselves.  Really, the news is so emotionally exhausting to me just now, to huddle in our house, garden a bit and be quiet sounds very healing.  And necessary.

If you look for the moon tonight, you can see (and have been able to see in the western sky) Venus and Jupiter side-by-side, and Saturn will be tucked near the Moon.  Haven't been out to see, but will in a minute.  Time to quit.

Take care.