Mornings are my favorite times of day, only seconded by evenings in bed after my bath. Quiet, window open, all is well. I adore the hour in bed with my tea. Usually I read the Psalter reading for the day in my Book of Common Prayer and the Office in The Divine Hours*. Then I feel ready to get into my study of Stephanie Bennett Vogt's book Your Spacious Self. Healing, that's what her book is to me. I've gradually been cleaning out things, weighty sometimes. Finding old photos of my children, hurting over the journeys some of them are taking, but remembering the Covenant we made with the Lord. Reformed Presbyterians (my old church/my husband's heart is still there) have a beautiful service for infant baptism. Always loved that.
The carpet is down in the dining room. Gary opened the old trunk we have in there, usually burdened closed with two Lawyer's Bookshelves that sit on top of it. Pictures and more. My grandparents' old pictures, aunts and uncles long gone, and a couple of my old high school annuals. The girls have laughed today over those.
Every so often, I leave my bed (my safe, healing place lately) and tidy up some. Get overtired, lie down and then get up and do some more. It's not that I'm ill, but am giving myself room to get stronger. I do feel so weak after little effort.
The Lord spoke clearly to me this morning, telling me to let my boys alone this weekend---pray always for them, but leave their lives for Him to work on. Tend to myself. Enjoy the day. Rest and recover. Allow myself to be still.
I'm even just going to gather flowers and greenery here for the church altar vases tomorrow. No expense. The paraments (altar cloths) are green for the summer, and I was thinking some orange day lilies and greens behind them would look pretty. Easy and sweet. Plus, there's plenty by the garage. :)
Must go tidy some more. Remember to rest.
*Phyllis Tickle's books---btw, she's very ill now with cancer---found out through church friends who used to attend the same church as Phyllis---she lives just outside of Memphis, so is nearby.