Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Books and stuff

Love William Faulkner.  Love his writing.  Funny thing too---when I want to read something that sets well, I pick up one of his books.  Happily I've been able to buy several of the wonderfully worn Vintage International copies at the library bookstore ($2 or less), some with writing in them.  Some not.  All with broken spines which make reading them a joy.  I feel like I'm repeating myself.


In Michele Cushatt's email list 7-Day Challenge I've been subscribed to the past week (I'm done now, but you go ahead), she suggests writing a list consisting of two columns.  One list of things you can control, one of things you can't.  I didn't realize how much I waste time worrying about things I have no control of whatsoever.  That's where the majority of my energy goes.  When I focus on what I have jurisdiction over, the calm feelings appear.  Takes work, but it's do-able.

What I can do is finish deep-cleaning the kitchen, cook dinner, feed dogs and chickens, take out the garbage, love my family, etc.  I can't make money, bring customers into my husband's shop or make an impact (at least one I'm aware of) that will bring my sons back to the Lord.  

Once you get over the notion that you're that necessary, the lines are clear.  Hard to NOT wander over into the column of what I can't control, though.  As we've told our kids in terms of their jobs---'they are expendable.'  Same in my life, I reckon.

And I'm reminded of how we're supposed to do today and only today.  I absolutely adore knowing the bills will be paid on time.  It's not in my life to always experience that, but it's true that He's more interested in my spirit than my comfort.  Personally speaking, I'm partial to a sure thing.  Debt isn't very encouraging, but the lifestyle we have of depending on the Lord for every cent is faith-building to say the least.  I just wish I'd learn the lesson so we'd not have to keep repeating the same exercise.

I could probably admit to making money an idol and our children as well.  Too much emotional energy expended on both topics.  Too often I've put them both ahead of the importance of God in my life.  But I'm working on it.

Take heart.