The verse for now is, "My Grace is sufficient for you."
I know too much. More than my husband about our sons. Moms tend to, you know. Stuff is worse than I could ever imagine (speaking of son and his girlfriend's business), and quite honestly, my imagination isn't very active. I can go a certain distance and then say to myself, "Oh surely not. Please no, he can't be doing that." I'm pretty much, a what-you-see-is-what-you-get person. And I take folks at face value. I end up being gullible when I should be shrewd. But, here's the thing---the Lord has given me two spiritual gifts, ones I was made aware of ages ago. One is the gift of healing, which I used to take to mean the laying on of hands. In reality, it's the herbs, and I do have a God-given knack with them. Makes me laugh. The other gift is discernment, but only with those outside the family. I can see through a fake instantly, almost like mind reading, as long as they're not blood. My kids can fool me all day long. So, when they tell me something, whether it's believable or not, I accept it. A stranger or a friend, not for a second.
The Lord says to walk away from our boys, as I mentioned in my last post. Pray, and don't engage on purpose. Let them make the moves toward me, but don't initiate. That's hard. I tend to want to at least text when I've not heard in a few days. The thing is---I want them more than they need me. Yeah, I get it. I don't yearn for too much involvement with my own mother either.
He asks me to trust Him. Don't help except to pray. No letters, no nothing. I hate to see my boys entrenched in lifestyles that are so full of darkness. But they're okay with that. And when oldest son was here the other day---he'd not been by since he began his new job and had out-of-town training---he had a different look on his face. He looked happy, which is no big deal, really. He always looks happy, but there was a frenzied look about him. Glittery. My neighbor had the same look on her face last week when I visited her. She's sort of too into mystical things, and had a story about this New Age/witchcraft-like herb store she went to, but it was hard to believe, at least to me. Another story for another day.
I just shake my head.
Now, to not give too much air-time to the prince of the air, our son who's in California is doing very, very well. That Christian retreat where he's working is concerned for the spiritual and physical welfare of their employees as much as wanting them to be good workers. They were taken as a group to a large non-denominational church over the state line in Oregon yesterday. After five years in the restaurant business, and the worldly atmosphere there, he's being refreshed with other believers. He's exactly where the Lord would have him be, and that gives me great peace. Even though I miss him crazy-like. Definitely a Praise the Lord situation. :)
I'll stop now. Have more to say, but need to quit. Y'all take care.