Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Around the house

Resting for a few minutes with a new pile of library books. Then must push the vacuum cleaner around the living room. Truly, it's been so cold I've not wanted to clean, but the dust and stuff we kicked up with putting up the Christmas tree over the weekend has to be attended to. The fuzz and all that's blowing around the living room/dining room floors really is pitiful. Hope no neighbors plan on knocking on the door until I get it taken care of.

And with our Christmas shopping being lighter than in times past, I can happily say that I've done about all I intend on doing. Like many folks, this holiday came upon me quicker than in years past, and I'm hard pressed to feel elfish enough. Still, the least one (and all the rest of 'em) are so excited, that there's plenty of joy to spill over on me, I guess. Middle daughter made a double batch of sugar cookies this afternoon and looked shell-shocked when I came in the door from running second son to work. She'd rolled out more dough than she could mentally handle and probably sucked up too much sugar as well. A good dose of salt would probably taste good about now. Even when you don't snack on all the rewards of baking, just smelling them too long is a bit overwhelming.

Well, must go now. The temptation of reading must be overcome in favor of tidying the house. Gary messed up his back in some odd way yesterday when he helped a neighbor jump off her car (that sentence can sound odd if you read it in more than one way), and he's not sure how he hurt it. Thought maybe being so tense with the cold had something to do with it. After I clean, I'll make him a cozy spot to stretch out on the sofa with the heating pad. Shoot, life's tough enough without having to deal with pain, you know? Personally, I think he's been working too hard and it caught up with him. Sometimes you're forced to stop when otherwise you wouldn't. But the truth is, he's still not able to stop....more joys of self-employment. Oh well, still there's plenty to be thankful for, and my dishy husband is just one of them!

Remember to take time to enjoy the evening.