I found the book to be intriguing at the onset, and went to the website and filled out the little sticky notes that are cleverly supplied as a visual to work alongside the book. Speaking of which, the site online is very detailed and well put together and is a helpful tool in case the reader doesn't want to organize a workbook and their own supply of notes.
But unfortunately, after the initial reading of the book and using the site I found the subject matter to lag. Yet while the author is very enthusiastic about his topic, I found his aggressive way of writing a bit over the top.
Also, and don't mean to be too picky, but the chapters are set up in such a way that leads the reader to believe that if they follow the steps fully, then they can expect success. This covers job-related issues, physical fitness and finally financial woes. But I've found in my own life that sometimes the Lord doesn't work that way. Life isn't always easy, as a matter of fact, most times it's downright hard, and He allows us to fail in order to get our attention. At least that's my experience.
This book can be a help in showing a person the direction they need to go, yes, but shouldn't be used exclusively. We're not meant to have all of the answers, which in turn causes us to lean on God more completely. It seems that this book implies that we can have our lives all neat and tidy and organized in a planned way. I just don't think it works that way.
(this book was supplied free for me to review from waterbrook/multnomah publishing company)