Wednesday, December 15, 2010

On a chilly day

Drizzly today, and I was really hankering for a clear day. If you look at the weather map, there aren't any clouds about, so the picture is really misleading. Some sun would be nice.

Looking forward to getting back home after errands this afternoon, and I've not even left yet. Have had to make a habit of picking up my mom's groceries at mid-week, and while I'd like to appear as a blessing of a daughter who's entirely self-sacrificing, I'll admit that it's not always easy to add one more grocery store trip to the week. I am glad to be able to help her, though. She certainly doesn't need to be out in this chill and damp.

But anyway, on the upside, the books I got at the library yesterday are promising. Another Robert Benson called 'Living Prayer' which I began last night, Phyllis Tickle's 'The Divine Hours' for Summertime (the library doesn't have the other seasons of these books), and several novels by Elizabeth Bowen who I've not got any experience of reading, but who was mentioned on another blog.

As to the Mrs. Tickle book---with me exploring the ritual of praying the hours, as it's talked about it Robert Benson's book 'In Constant Prayer' which I reviewed the other day, I was curious as to how other folks do it. Not sure if Mrs. Tickle and I are on the same page, so to speak, with her being a pro-emergent movement follower, and me not being one. Still, I'm interested in how she sets up the book and the practice of the prayer liturgy. We'll see.

So, the day flows before me and this might be the only quiet space allowed to me. Last night, Gary and I watched 'Nanny McPhee Returns' which was a treat. Oldest daughter had rented some movies and we got to see that one first. So cute. Hopefully, if I can lasso my husband into a chair with the heating pad and blankets again, his aching back will heal even more. That's the plan, and with quiche for dinner, it all sounds very cozy to me.

Well, enjoy your day and remember to make some time.