Saturday, December 4, 2010

Late Saturday/early Sunday

The day began with lots of wind but mild temperatures, and the kids spent much of their time outside using the swing Gary rigged up in our old Oak in the backyard. Temps. in the sixties and wonderful. Then, as the day wore on, we've reached the thirties now. Fortunately the house hasn't absorbed the cold air, so the heater's not been turned on quite yet. We're trying to be careful with the utility bills, more than ever, so are being stingy with the heat. You understand, I'm sure.

I'm waiting up for second and third sons to get home from the restaurant where they both work. Late night for them. Usually they're back by now. And second son is helping out with settiing up Communion in the morning for early service at his church, so he'll be tired!

The house isn't asleep yet, though, except for the little girls. They gave it up a few hours ago. Their afternoon was busy making a first double batch of Christmas cookies that they shared with 2 neighbors---one being a favorite across the street who's recovering from a summer spent in chemo. and radiation. She had a bout of throat cancer and is doing wonderfully. Just got the go-ahead to eat things *like* sugar cookies, so the girls' timing with their baking was spot on.

Tomorrow will be spent staying in and resting for most of us. Some boys have to work, but that can't be helped. For me, the day will be quiet and hopefully uneventful. This has been one of those weeks when I've felt as I've been running non-stop. Have a couple of books to read, one for review, and with groceries in the house, should be a peaceful day. Hope yours is as well.