Am tucked into bed while the scalloped potatoes bake in the oven. Got home from a grocery shop with 4th son (he was a huge help), and am pooped after so much activity. We had four stops to make---nothing major, but the dollar store, drugstore and library in addition to the grocery. Too much, especially considering the traffic. But I'm tickled at the honey-baked ham that we were given---a yearly gift from the oldest girl's boss/husband's workshop landlady (same person!). With the potatoes, that's dinner. Will whittle it down for bean and ham soup tomorrow. Oh, and our neighbor across the street gave us a frozen turkey today. I'm thinking that it was a possible sacrifice from them, and that makes it doubly sweet.
Now am playing Ludovico Einaudi's 'Una Mattina' repeatedly and finally relaxing. Such beautiful notes on that CD.
The rest of the week should be pretty low-key. Oldest daughter had to stay in from work today. She's got a frustrating headache, cough and slight temperature. We're trying to keep the other ones out of her face, but with a small house, you know how that goes.
Like most folks I want to focus on a peaceful weekend. Not sure if we'll do anything special, but have possible plans to see Narnia at the theatre at some time soon. With the girl sick, that's up in the air, but that's okay. It'll happen one way or another. And since it's just us for Christmas dinner on Saturday, we can do things at our own pace. Always nice.
Take care.
{update at 10:50pm...third son came home from his restaurant job sick, same thing oldest daughter has---we'll see how this thing flies}