Saturday, May 28, 2011

A sunny Saturday afternoon

We've been spoiled by the weather lately (well, after the tornadoes about earlier), but today the heat is on again outside.  I'm hesitant to turn on the air conditioning yet (even though it's now reached 90 degrees), but with a sweet breeze outside the windows are up and the curtains are blowing.  Gary's just come home from the shop, though, and without air in his shop or Suburban, he needs the cool.  Will indulge his desire and push away my need to be a cheapskate. :)  Yeah, sometimes I'd rather sweat than spend money.

Anyway, I'm trying to treat this as a real holiday weekend, which it is with Memorial Day on Monday, but mostly because school is done and finished until September.  I love that.

About to take the younger kids to church, while the older ones remain at work.  Dinner's easy with hot dogs and coleslaw.  

Trying to focus on plain old family stuff since we're participating in some trauma with a neighbor who's having some mental stuff going on in his head.  Very strange.  The kids are a bit confused about this young man's drift into paranoia and Gary and I are having to keep from talking about it overmuch, you know?  Helping someone like this is one thing, but getting overly involved ain't a good idea, I don't guess.

Must go now.  Time to get myself ready for church.