Had a sweet Mother's Day, and in the midst of it Gary took me to see the river. We drove over on the bridge----and over---and over. My goodness, it spread out so far I was thinking in ocean sorts of terms rather than a river. Arkansas got the brunt of it from my viewpoint, with so many acres of farmland underwater. From what I hear, river water is an excellent fertilizer, but with the frustration of having to wait a year to plant---well, I'd be pulling my hair out if I had a farm in Eastern Arkansas along the river about now. But here, lots of folks are having to re-locate. The rivers that spin off of the Mississippi are backing up and Memphis is getting hit in various ways. Again thankful to have our house slap in the center of town, away from the madness.
Feeling a tad more myself today. Praying and hoping that it lasts. We only have two more weeks of school left, and am excited to see the end in sight. Can't say much for my teaching methods this spring semester. With my mom's (now healed) broken arm and all of the drama that that entailed, our schooling has been haphazard at best. Fourth son joked that we learned all about taking a person to repeated doctor's visits, how to read an x-ray, how to help a person up out of a chair who has lost the use of one arm....etc. Life studies, I guess. Thankfully we've all survived it. :) Mom included.
Now off to pick up where I left off with housewifely duties. On the book pile am re-reading Robert Benson's 'Between the Dreaming and the Coming True', a book by Sheila Kohler called 'Becoming Jane Eyre' (which I'm not sure about yet) and have a book review to write for Sally John's new one (enjoyed it very much).
Hope your day is special.