Two highlights to my very dearest friend, Tina, surprised me and has sent me a Robert Benson book, which makes me feel very special, so I have that to look forward to. AND, we have a swarm of honey bees in a bush outside the kitchen windows. Oldest daughter caught a video of it on her camera so Gary can see it when he gets home. So cool.
Besides that, not much going on. I'm very weary of homeschooling at this juncture and will be dee-lighted when this month is over. I'm just plain tired, you know? Just plain tired.
I want to garden in the front yard, but our neighbors are continually sitting out on their porch----and there are so many of them (now I sound mean), and see everything that goes on over here. I just want to putter alone, without an audience. It's just idle watching on their part I know, but still...sort of irritating. Don't mean to sound un-neighborly, but it's just the way I feel. Yeah, we get along, but with life being crowded inside our house, it gets old that it's crowded outside as well. So shoot me.
Still enjoying the cool weather. It's almost too chilly to have many windows up. How's that for weather in the South? So sweet.
Need to get motivated to do something. But probably not. Anything would probably be a good idea. Going to bed earlier would be even brighter. But guess I can't claim to be the smartest kid on the block, now, can I? :)
Anyway, one more thing, for some visual fun for any Susan Branch fans, go to her YouTube page here. Such prettiness. Enjoy!