Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday morning

Thinking on today and the assorted mundane things I have to do.  Post office, grocery store for something for dinner, winding up school---that sort of stuff.  The kinds of things that don't require too much mind-power, but still need doing.

And praying at the back of my mind for folks who've been hit by nature.  The floods and tornadoes.  It does make a person's head spin to be reminded of how fragile we are and how life can change in an instant.  And with the nonsense by the end-times-preacher---spouting his cultish teachings---well, real life happens nonetheless, and I get a bit irritated at how he caught all of our attentions.  Brother.

Will go now and wash more clothes and mind the sky to see if the rain will hold off.  Sort of hard to tell, but would enjoy hanging out some things before it does. 

Take care and find the joy.  Sometimes you have to look a bit harder than usual, but it's there.  I promise. :)