Monday, May 16, 2011

Just pokin' along here

Drinking a Zero, thinking sad thoughts about those two bags of lentils that'll be tonight's dinner (which hardly anyone here salivates over), and idly lusting after a new book that came in the mail this morning to review.  I have some housewifely things to do this afternoon before I can actually get into the book, and it's all I can do to resist the urge to read.  For anyone who's asking the title, it's called 'The Seraph Seal' and is by Leonard Sweet and Lori Wagner.  Amazon has a few pages you can browse, and it's well worth it.  I'm thinking it's going to be a winner already.

And the weather---my goodness---it's only 63 degrees now, which is actually cold for here at this time of year.  When the flooding was at its height, the temperatures were more around 90 or so.  Least it seemed so.

I was behind two men in line at the drugstore earlier today and one said he was tired of the cold weather.  What?  This is such a pleasant change from what we're used to, and the heat will be here soon enough.  Give it a month (or less) and we'll be looking backward longingly for these days.

Well, it's now after 4pm and I have nothing to show for myself.  Must do something worthy of my existence for today.  According to one of my brothers-in-law, I have just 5 days before the Lord's return, so must get busy (and yes, read sarcasm from me).

Take care.