Saturday, May 21, 2011

The weekend

Was a bit anxious last night, thinking of today being the supposedly BIG day.  You know, if I didn't have a relative who was sunk into the Hrld Cmpng mentality I'd likely just ignore the hooplah, but it does change the way I look at it.  My husband has been burdened---I mean, it is one of his brothers who's been hood-winked.  Can't imagine what will happen with those followers now.  I give them credit for believing something, but sadly only in a human and not in our Savior.  Sure doesn't pay to mock God, does it?

Am at home alone---Gary took the younger ones to the grocery store with him and I'm back from lunch out with my mom, which was nice.  We do that rarely, so a nice change for both of us.

Not sure what else the weekend holds.  Had planned on church tonight, but it starts at 5:30pm, and they're not back from the store yet.  And oldest daughter will be tired from working her gift shop job today, so might just have a cozy evening at home.  The three oldest boys are at work, but the rest of us will chill.  It's supposed to rain later on but the radar's not too convincing.  Would be nice, though---a nice, rainy weekend.  I love those.

Whatever you do, take some time for quiet.  And I'll do the same.