Saturday, May 14, 2011


Had a casual-while-I-was-cooking-dinner talk with fourth son tonight.  He's the serious writer and as a result is one who's got a slight tendency to melancholy at times, though thankfully very rarely.  He's more sanguine ordinarily, but has spells when he worries and thinks overmuch.  Well, he needed to talk about how he was worried about things that need such constant prayer.  He was frustrated and felt loaded with more than he was able to manage.  Thankfully, I think I was able to shift the pressure over to my shoulders (then flipped it over to the Lord) so that he'd feel some relief.  I mean, goodness, he's only 17 and shouldn't be weighted down with *real* life yet, I don't think.

We got to chat more this evening in the living room with the pugs while everyone was busy elsewhere.  He was lighthearted again, laughing and seeming at ease.  Then he left and fifth son came in (he's 15), and he just needed to share as well, though had no worries.  This son is the youngest of the boys and as a result is treated like the baby sometimes (well if you disregard the little girls).  He gets this sweet sound to his voice when he's the center of attention and reminds me of a little intellectual.  Truly, he's one of the brightest ones here and I sometimes get scared that I can't fill his mind like I want to.  Anyway, it was chat night here with me and the boys who are at home (the other 3 are at work tonight).  It's all good.

It was nice to talk to just them, and the girls cooperated with oldest daughter renting the Justin Bieber video on iTunes for the girls.  And as a tribute (or 'cause I'm such a suckah) am listening to Bieber with my player. He is pretty good. :)  But then again, I always have been boy crazy.

I can get so self-absorbed with my own frets that I forget that one of my first jobs here is to not just be present, but to actually trouble myself to listen.  We all need that, me included, but usually I'll get an audience somehow.  They're a bit more polite about it.  I mean, really.  There are 8 of them---so that shoving through the noise in order to get heard is sometimes nearly impossible.

A sweet day and one that leaves me feeling full.  Thinking more loose edges got tidied up than usual.