Well, considering the weather in the Heartland the past few days, guess we'll heed the tornado warnings if they sound here later on (and yes, we're in the red zone in the photo). Man. Simply living day to day is becoming a bit of a challenge. Always looking over your shoulder (well, in a weather-wise sort of way), wondering what's going to happen.
I remember being a kid and getting in our parents' room when it'd storm or if there were tornado warnings. And I remember seeing the finger of a tornado in the distance from our living room picture window one time. That was before the trees got so tall in that neighborhood. But I never remember hearing about what's going on now. The extremes are definitely a new thing to me.
Since we don't have a storm cellar, wondering if the crawlspace under the house is a valid place to hide!?!
Can't do much more than pray, and that's saying a lot, especially since that's the very best I can do.. Wishing my memory was better and that I had more recall for Bible verses I've tucked in my heart. But I'm thinking Psalm 91 will be on my mind today.