Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cool and sunny outside

Went to prayer services at church this morning and was one of only three people there.  I'd never gone to this service, so was pleasantly surprised. And being that I'm not into crowds, it was perfect.  They follow the Morning Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer, and it was sweet.  Simply that.

As I left, the rector (who seems to be very special himself) asked if he'd given me a prayer book before.  I said no and expected him to go get a monthly devotional, or something I'd used in other churches.  Well, he came out with a Book of Common Prayer, the same version in the pews---but not a hardback, but a bendy-pretend-leather sort of cover.  Such a treat.  I really was blown away.

Then we talked a minute about what sort of church our family is used to---just bits of learning to know us.  And as I left, the rector said that if I come back on Thursday, for the other morning prayer service of the week, I can expect a crowd.  Maybe 4-6 folks.  :)

Set a good tone for the rest of the day.  I came home, took a nap and will go out with second son in awhile.  He wants me to join him in looking at things at a restaurant supply store here.  Might be able to find a new teacup---always game for that.  But, trivia first.  Do you know why chef's shirts are double-breasted?  It's so when the shirt gets dirty on the top, it can be re-buttoned opposite to cover up the stains.  I never knew that.  As to the restaurant store---second son is going to buy himself a couple more of those very shirts.  So cool.  I wouldn't mind one myself.  Would look great as a jacket.

Must go.  Enjoy your day.