Saturday, May 19, 2012

Evening's muddled thoughts

Missing my friend, Patricia, (at this very minute) who recently passed away, and needing her advice.  Am researching Catholic books on St. Benedict, and am finding that I'm having to pave my own way.  I've depended on Patricia for many years for her clear head.  Nuts.

And thinking of what I want to focus on this summer, and I know it includes a beautiful journal my dear Tina sent me as a treat from her recent trip to Paris.  It'll be my summer book.  The watercolors will be dusted off, my art bag filled with this journal and brushes and h-o-p-e-f-u-l-l-y I'll be able to fill it with wonderment. That's the plan, and whether or not it takes shape is on me, but still---fun to think about.

But for now am tired, just browsing for books online to use my gift card on, and being lazy. Weary after our last, scrabbledy week of school.  We just sort of trickled out.  Energy left and our motivation with it.  Now will address my need to get to bed early this evening, and sort of excited at some books I loaded on my Kindle earlier. Old stuff, which is always fun, especially when it's free.  But what I really want to read is The Great Gatsby and it's not free on Kindle, as it's still in copyright mode.  Must look through our dusty bookshelves to see if we have the copy from my mom's house.  Maybe I nabbed it at some point.  If not, will dig into some E.M. Forster---maybe Where Angels Fear to Tread or The Celestial Omnibus, which I got tonight. We'll see.

(painting by Henriette Browne, A Girl Writing, 1870)