Took the four youngest to the library. Got home, only to have to leave immediately to take third son to work. Then had to run to the drugstore and then grocery. While in line to pay at grocery store, got hit with flashing lights in my left eye---the zig-zaggy kind that precedes my migraines. As the sweet lady was scanning my things, whipped out of line to get some of that good powdered headache remedy. Love that stuff. Only problem is taking it with a soda and having it fizz down my t-shirt. I tend to be sort of a pigpen anyhow, so not out of character.
Anyway, kids unpacked the groceries at home, I went to bed and am marginally better. If I get too busy, the zig-zags come back. Too much heat, too many things to do, yet happily---a library book in my future.
Can stay at home tomorrow and take it easy. You just never know what's going to set things off, now, do you? Must stop with the busyness.
('reading by the window' by charles james lewis)