Going to my mom's in about an hour for a family lunch. One of my brothers is in town for a wedding (his sister-in-law) and everybody will be there. EVERYbody. His kids/grandkids, my other brother, our kids (most of 'em), and my mom will be all over the place in an emotional way.
I don't do so good with the obvious expressions of affection. I'm more like my dad was---reserved and able to give you a hug, but then will, pretty much, let you alone. Not into small talk or chatting for chatting's sake. Would rather eat and leave as soon as possible. But not possible with family there. An escape isn't always available and sometimes I've got to be an adult and suck it up.
This sounds so pathetic. Family together and a wonderful opportunity for my mom to have everyone together at once, but still, I find it hard. If there wasn't the gasping and over-expressions of affection (that always strike me as fake), then it'd be better. Hope my tattoo can be a non-issue. My mom still isn't aware and not sure what she'll say when she finds out! Might wear my new wristwatch so as to keep it hidden. But I forget...how old am I? Oh me.
Glad I didn't marry into an expressive family. They're more like me. Glad to see you, but after that, you're on your own.
UPDATE: A good afternoon. Nice to see everybody, and a treat to see a new baby. Yeah, I can be a grump, but that's okay too. :)