Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Began reading Susan Hill's The Various Haunts of Men last night and enjoying it immensely. Can't wait until all of my duties are done here tonight and can get into it again.  As for now (at 10 until midnight) daughter is talking to sweet Indian boyfriend on the phone, 3 boys are talking the living room since second son just got home from the restaurant, one son who's sort of sick with a cough he got at work is in bed, as is toy store manager son who's not sick but has to get up early.  The two little girls are waiting for me to tuck them in.  We're so pathetic. Do we sleep like regular folks?  Not even close!

But we get it all done, even if our hours aren't the hours of mainstream America.

If I can get it in gear tonight, would love to go to prayer at church at 8:30am tomorrow. Figured that'd be a sweet way to begin the day.  Very few show up for that, but it'd be restful, I know.  With my tendency for a fluttery, bird-like mental state, I can do with all the peaceful routines that I can find.

On that note will go.  Time to shoo the offspring to bed.