Saturday, May 26, 2012

Late Saturday night

The Anne Tyler book, The Beginner's Goodbye, was a winner.  Very sweet and par for the course for Tyler.  I think I've read all of her work and always come away happy.

Now getting into holiday weekend mode.  Took youngest of brood to the mega Presbyterian church tonight and will play like an Anglican in the morning.  I'm telling you---the quietness of the Anglican service, plus the worshipful mindset sure do make it appealing.  I've nothing against praise music, but the noise does get distracting, as in the mega church---but what can I say, the two youngest of my boys enjoy it.  Can't say as I blame them, but sometimes the old ways are way more attractive to me.

Will get into another book before bed and settle my mind.  With tweaking my vitamins/herbal supplements again, I think I've hit on a combination that feels good.  Not as agitated and calmer for longer periods of time.

Hope your weekend is sweet.