A quiet house. Husband is at his shop, and oldest son had to leave for work at 5:30am. The rest are at home, in various stages of in-bed-ness. I realize it's late in the morning, but our restaurant boys didn't get home until after midnight. Lots of folks having dinners for graduating children, so they had to work later than usual. Oldest daughter's day off is Monday, so she continues to snooze. The little girls are following suit. And in case anyone wonders---we're now out of school for the summer. ::happy dance::
I'm just enjoying being alone with my thoughts (which I realize will be brief...both my time and thoughts). The dogs are slung out in the living/dining room napping and the neighborhood is mostly silent as well. I heard the mail lady snap our mailbox lid just now, and a dog barks listlessly across-the-street, but that's all the noise. Well, that and the hum of my laptop fan.
Think I'll turn off the a/c and raise some windows. The temperature is in the low 70's now and it seems a shame to not enjoy it. Will start the second load of clothes, hang out the first one and keep an eye out for rain. Supposedly we're likely to get some, but no matter, we had a dandy downpour last night just before the boys got home. We got well-drenched. Our tiny vegetable garden patch and the newly planted flowers say thank you.
Will go now. Nothing hanging fire, and I can stay home and putter around to my heart's content. I noticed the firetruck/ambulance at our elderly neighbor's house about a hour or so ago. I mentioned him here recently and he'd just gotten home from the hospital last week. Bummer. Least he was sitting up on the gurney when they wheeled him out the front door. That situation is the only one on my mind, but won't fret over it. He's in good hands.
Enjoy your day and do something fun (reminder to self).
(painting by berthe morisot)