Bought a few bedding plants the other day outside a drugstore I like to poke around in. I got Profusion Coral Pink Zinnas and Derby Melampodium. I'm thinking they'll be happy together, especially since they're both sun-lovers and will look a treat near our over-abundance of Black-Eyed Susans which take over every summer. I haphazardly planted them in an alternate sort of pattern---trying to not be too precise since our flower beds/garden tends to have a naturalized look. We're not into cutting our bushes into balls or squares, but let them do their own thing. Same with the flowers. I have lots and lots of perennials and herbs and, over the years, they've spread and taken over parts of the beds---crowding out the less extroverted flowers to make way for themselves. I leave a few areas, however, bare of perennials so I can have my annuals that are favorites. Really glad I got the pink zinnias. I do adore pink.
But anyway, so happy to have them all in the ground. I was outside at around 9pm tonight, bringing in some towels from the lines and looked up and saw how full the moon was looking. Got all flustered a minute, thinking of the bedding plants and wanting them planted before the moon was full---while it was still waxing. Close call. The moon will be full on Saturday night---a super moon no less. Besides, gardening to the glow of the street lamp across the street isn't anything new to me. It's quiet then. Our noisy 2-houses-across-the-street-worth of very busy neighbors are inside and not a bother. They tend to stare when I'm outside puttering along, not that there's anything to look at, but still, they will do that. At night, I don't have an audience, and if I can keep track of my trowel and flashlight (which I frequently lose and need another flashlight to find), then I do just fine.