Tuesday, April 9, 2013

First homemade tinctures

My first homemade bottles of tincture are on the right-side of the top shelf. Put them up last night. Way to GO, me.  And, btw, it's Wood Betony---not an herb in the everyday garden or house, but one that was incredibly important in its day.  For depression as one use, and to get rid of evil spirits as well.  Who could ask for more? :)

Now, if you look behind those small, brown bottles (I got 4 of them from one batch), you can see a peanut butter jar and a small Mason jar.  One is a St. John's Wort tincture, and the other is a mixture of Scullcap and Valerian for sleep.  Those will be ready by the end of the month. Supposedly, you're supposed to begin making a tincture as the moon goes into its waxing stage, and finish up as it becomes full.  I'm a bit offtrack, but it's a cool idea.

And in the other small Mason jars on the second and bottom shelves, I have put Kelp, Yellow Dock and Bee Pollen in capsules for easier taking, but of course, in separate jars. I'm having such a wonderful time learning and doing. It's what I'm meant to be doing, if that makes sense.  I get so excited reading about the herbs, finding out about the cures and now, actually making the mixtures.  Fulfills a need deep inside me.  Gary calls me Witchy Woman, and since he signed me up for the Herbalist Class, guess he's allowed.