Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday night

~painting by carl holsoe
Golly, what a day of driving.  Got up early to take fourth son downtown to the dentist.  Then two hours later dropped him off at work to the north side of town. Went home, ate lunch, took a short nap, went over schoolwork.  Then took third son to look at stuff at a shop he wanted to visit, and then dropped him off at work to the east of town.  Directly from there picked up fourth son at work to return to the dentist to pick up whitening trays for his teeth so he'll look like a movie star. Waaaay too much driving for me, especially being that I have a Suburban which drinks gas like nobody's business.

When I got home, I felt like I'd been on rides at the fairgrounds.  Too much movement for a homebody like me.  Gracious.

Now I'm all tucked up into bed, thinking of taking a bath and finishing the cup of tea that sits beside me.  Tomorrow ought to be pretty laid back.  A short grocery store trip, no surprises (fingers crossed) and just puttering along.  We're supposed to get some wild rain on Wednesday, but you know how that is.  We'll see about that.

I need a day of quietness, hand sewing, washing dishes and preparing one of my tinctures that should be ready to decant into a pretty brown bottle.  Just me stuff. :)