Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday morning

The roses were brought home from oldest daughter's job this week.  So pretty, and they smell wonderful.  As to life on the farm here (my goodness), chickens are really easy to add to the household.  My husband was on Craig's List after bringing home the chicks, looking at a guy's beehive set-up down in Mississippi that he was selling.  I think Gary's unaware of the small space we live in here.  Quite the one for animal husbandry, but has a blind spot in terms of square footage.  Kidding.  I will say, though, that he keeps us on our toes. For as long as I've known him, Gary, from time to time, has the deep need to stir the pot.  And we keep stirring it.  But that's just us.  At least the kids will have interesting memories to sift through when they're off and grown with their own houses.  Probably they'll all shun children and pets.  We've probably damaged them for life!

It'll be nice, though, when Gary's able to build the chicks' pen/chicken coop/outdoor hotel area.  He's got some things put back at the shop, and is researching best wire to use, etc., to keep out the raccoons, rats and all.  Too bad you have to think that way, but really, chickens are pretty dumb and innocent.  As of now, they stay in their box in the kitchen, and are in our room at night.  We've had to put an old window screen on their box when we're not playing with them.  Two of the chicks have flying aspirations.  And for the most part, the dogs leave them alone, but our shepherd thinks she wants to play with them, and since she's so huge, it's a task to get her past the box and outside without her getting all aggressive on us.

Oh, and thanks to MK for her link to Penelope Trunk the other day, and a curtsey to Trunk for her link suggestion.  I've gotten our three youngest (the only ones homeschooling now) interested in Khan Academy, with their free online classes.  Very, very good.  Gives me a much-needed break from sitting down with them, and it's a treat to leave the teaching responsibility to someone else for a change.

Must go now.  Oldest daughter has also brought home some Method spray cleaner for me (pink grapefruit), and a bottle of Mrs. Meyer's Radish scent dish soap.  My main weakness---fancy cleaners.  Who knew?  Oh, and in the photo, you can see my tiny Snow White.  Another favorite of mine.  I tend to change her dress every other day.  Small indulgences.

Have a sweet day.