Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday night

  • tamale casserole is in the oven
  • smells yummy
  • we're eating late tonight, because i couldn't get it in gear
  • daisy's better
  • a sunny warm day is a help, since i believe her coughs are generated by weather changes
  • neighbors haven't moved yet, but am optimistic
  • don't like seeing large crowds of boys congregate, and the two boys in that house seem to draw a crowd
  • always am leery of gang influences, and you just have to wonder
  • our other loud neighbors across the street (we're on a corner) cranked up the tunes this morning, causing me to get really ornery
  • when you can hear it in the house with the windows closed, it's too loud
  • our kids were able to blow it off, but me, not so much
  • flavored some tea today
  • bought a box of Lipton's loose tea at the store and spilled it out in a bowl
  • added powdered cardamom and some vanilla extract
  • it smells wonderful
  • when life is a bit stinky, you've got to do stuff that detracts you from the stink
  • one of the interior designers gary works for had a stroke recently
  • makes me very sad
  • he's recovering, but is having to re-learn walking, and the saddest part to me is that he's having to learn how to write his name again
  • makes you look at life with a different perspective
  • my friend, patricia, passed away one year ago this weekend
  • if i seem overly chattery, it's a defense mechanism
  • i tend to be quiet, but when i'm upset, i get a bit talkative
  • don't know what's up with that
  • must go now
  • dinner's smelling like it wants out of the oven
  • take care