Having a bit of a rest before making the least one's cake. Curried chicken's in the big enamel pot (and smells wonderful simmering away), and we're all in varied stages of a sorethroatsnifflynosecough sort of thing. Least it's not an exhausting illness, but we're able to function. Fatigue is always a drag.
And thinking, like everyone, of Boston and all that's going on up there. Mixed emotions, and am sad today about the MIT cop who died being that he was 26, and about the age of my oldest children. I can't imagine his parents' pain. Devastating. Not so sad for the other young man who died, since murderers don't tend to draw my sympathy. I do feel for his family and their aches. Such complicated emotions. A parent never wants to witness the death of their own children, but when they're involved in heinous acts, must be even more strange.
But thankful we're all well here, if not in a health-wise way, at least in spirit. The children are all doing fine in many ways, and I'm proud of them. Parenting continues to be a challenge, but tell me when it isn't.
Neighbors still haven't moved (tapping foot), but am hopeful this weekend will see the back of them. Curiously enough, when we moved here 23 years ago, our realtor had said that when you move into a neighborhood with older houses, choose one that needs the most work. In other words, the ugliest one, and make it up the standards of the others. Well, we did that. Unfortunately, with many older people living here then, they've since passed away and landlords have bought up those houses. From our front porch I can count over 8 rentals. Not all are occupied now, 2 are up for grabs, and one's burned out with plywood on the windows, and 2 on the other side of me are empty (not rentals). It's a neighborhood in transition, and could go either way. We still love it here, however, but sadly our joy is often tempered by who is allowed to rent across the street. I personally think the house is haunted in some way because EVERY person who's lived there has had issues. Every single one.
Must think happy thoughts now. I've got a cake to bake!