Was talking to one of the boys this afternoon before he went to work, and was telling him that it's plain difficult to cover everything we need to cover with each of the kids. Said that the sheer number of children we're tending to is mind blowing. He understood. He's our recently wayward child. And probably he's the most sensitive. He wants to understand and as he's been quiet lately (no electronic gizmos), I've seen the old son coming back to us. He's good about hearing me out and trying to get into my head. I like that.
Sometimes one of our boys (a different one) in particular seems to want us to have it all figured out. Not sure if he needs reassurance, security or whathaveyou, but I'm not always able to satisfy him. Sadly I can't claim to know diddly squat. Sort of playing it by ear as I go.
My parents seemed to have it in hand when I was growing up. They were the adults and we were the children. End of story. No comment to add to that, but there was a serious line dividing them from us. With our kids, that isn't how we've raised them. And while I don't think being buds with them is always the focus to take, they do need authority figures. Just don't always feel capable of being the grown-up. I have way too many questions myself.
So far so good. I married a man who's seriously street smart and he married me, whoever that is. It's up for grabs. At least I'm sincere, and wildly domestic. Guess that might be my claim to fame.
Guess when it's all said and done, I want to be known as a mom who loved fiercely and also allowed her children to be themselves. Whoever that is. To encourage a strong faith in God Almighty and a joy in living. Gary might be more the life enthusiast, but I sure do love all of them. And yes, fiercely.