"Sometimes life is too difficult to be lived. So it's better to be sick for a bit." ~from 'Wise Child' by Monica Furlong
Mercy. Here I am, taking a pretty extensive herbalist class, and I've felt ill more often than not this year of 2013. Can't seem to shake stuff. But with taking this class, you'd figure I'd know what to toss down my throat. Huh. I will say, though, that I had an epiphany sort of moment last night, thinking of the struggle we had with one of the boys, last month. I've got a chronic skin condition that attacks my hands (my wrists now) when I'm stressed. That's a problem now, as is a sorethroatcoughcoughcough thing that's come to call. Again. The throat's better, but I was up until about 4am with the cough last night/this morning. Again I say, mercy.
Finally got some relief with an herbal tea oldest daughter had bought, and I put some lemon/honey into a brown glass bottle with a dropper to shoot down my throat. That was a yummy alternative.
Anyway, this week I need to focus on myself. I've often found it interesting that health issues aren't timely. It's not that we can ever be prepared to be sick. All the clothes washed and folded, all the kids behaving, the bills paid, the kitchen stocked with food, toilet paper in abundance, and the grass cut. THEN and only then are we ready for something to smack us upside the head. But that's not what happens. We get sick mostly when things AREN'T going smoothly. When life begins to pinch a bit. Because we've allowed ourselves to be beaten down.
Holding up my hand for that one. I thought I had things under control, but each Monday morning when it's time to do schoolwork again, and the house is, once again, in after-weekend-mess-mode then I get all rankled. The pattern continues.
As Gary says, "We've all got a wheelbarrow full of junk to carry around, but the thing is, we all have our own junk." Too true.
The rat race we find ourselves on, however, can be changed (talking to myself). It's so easy to feel overwhelmed when what outside our own realm gets wonky. I need to deal with me right now. I've got a responsibility to take care of my family, and when I'm sick, so much doesn't get done. That's my focus this week. Me. And, you know. Nothing self-consuming about that, but just a good attitude about self-care.