Lots going on. First off, Joseph graduated from Basic Training at Ft. Jackson on Thursday, and we attended a sweet ceremony on Family day (the day before) as well. As soon as we sat on the bleachers for Family Day, I began to cry. Just the anticipation and relief at actually seeing him. I looked around and everyone looked either really excited or calm. I saw a woman and her husband a couple of rows behind and to the side of us and he had his arm around her. Parents. And she was biting her lip, obviously trying not to cry. And all we were doing was sitting there, waiting for the platoons to march out on to the field. Buncha old softies.
You know what the best part of the whole trip was? As soon as the Family Day festivities were over, we made our way down out of the stands to find him in formation. Now, we'd been warned online to limit the public displays of affection, being that a brief hug and kiss would do. That's all. I heard that all the time. Well, as soon as Joseph saw me he wrapped me in a hug to end all hugs. Gary got several photos of it. Lasted forever. It was bliss. We were both just sobbing. Finally we broke apart, and nobody fussed at us (no drill sergeant keeping tabs). 'Course not.
The photo of Joseph above is the one he took with his laptop at the apartment we rented on base for the trip. That was an experience in itself. We could hear from our place the sound of the cannon and trumpets at wake-up, when the flags were raised and lowered and at bed-time. Amazing. To stay on base (which they call post) was wonderful, and as Gary said, "Whenever are we every going to have the opportunity to stay on an Army base to sleep?"
Anyway, and on it goes. He's at Ft. Lee in Virginia for a couple of months, then he'll be home. This spell probably won't be so tortuous. He does still have his phone, but they can only use them during personal time. At least we can get ahold of him. I do like that. :)