Daisy the pug is having a wondrous recovery from her bladder stone surgery. You'd never know to look at her that she'd had major surgery done under a week ago. I remember when Violet had the same thing done back in August that she was so poorly, for up to a week. I'm so proud. :)
And I was able to eat breakfast with the chickens this morning, which tops out as one of my favorite things, but you know that. It's my Saturday morning ritual, if the weather is agreeable. Watching the birds and squirrels, just sitting there and relaxing. It's darn near perfect.
Talked to boot camp boy as well. Definite highlight of my day. We were at my mom's cleaning up her house and he called, and all but two of us were over there. We passed the phone around and got our fill. Can't wait to see him, and the call was especially sweet when he told me how much he missed his family. My goodness, could I love him any more?
Must go now. Tomorrow will be here soon enough, with picking up my mom and taking her to her house. I'll be there to spend the night, and we'll see what Monday brings. As I said a few days ago, if you want to follow the blog I'm writing about her/our journey caring for her with her stroke, just leave a comment here and I'll pass on the web address. Several of you already have, and I appreciate it.