Friday, March 7, 2014

More on yesterday's post

Just read a blog post regarding the Ashes to Go trend, as they call it.  They being the folks who, in my opinion, trivialize the orthodox church traditions.  Granted, it's maybe used as an effective tool to spread Ash Wednesday's rituals to the masses, but I still say it smacks of the common way of doing things.

Making church traditions cute and available, not to mention all smiley-faced and 'out there' doesn't make it right.  There's something about toning down things like this that just gets my goat.  Reminds me too much of erasers and pencils with I love Jesus printed on them.  Again I say, common.  And while crossing someone's forehead with last year's palm leaves that have been burned isn't on the same level as Holy Communion or Baptism, it's still important---and special.  Approve of the Ashes to Go mindset and next you know folks will be taking the Baptismal font out on the street corners.  There's something to be said for taking God to the people, but in my opinion, this isn't the way.  There's a process.  Instant gratification with even this is pushing things a bit too far.  Do I overreact?  Maybe to some, but not to me.

And.....for those who would turn around and criticize those of us who have a problem with this----oh go fly a kite.  I do have a right to oppose something that, to me, is disrespectful.  Doesn't mean I'm wearing my britches backwards.  I just believe there are some things that don't need to be tampered with.