Raining like the flood tonight. Ice expected, but praying that it won't turn into that, at least not to the magnitude the forecasters like to imagine. But you know, I can't do anything about it, so might as well just pray for safety over us and ours, and let God be God.
Up early, but not intentionally. Fed wildlife, had my tea, went to church, taught Sunday School, came home and ate lunch, went with 3 youngest of my offspring to see Mom, had to stop at store on the way home. We do fill our days. She was in high spirits---probably partly her anti-depressant being given to her again and the excitement of going home next week. And she will go to HER home. I think we'll give it a try, with back-up anyhow. Have to try.
I going to let it go, remember this is her life and not mine. My own keeps me busy enough as it is. I can help her, but can't live it for her. Can I have that in writing, please?
Must go now. Tired clear to my bones, but feeling peaceful inside. Just getting to the place where I have the okay from Gary to support the idea of her not coming here is a relief. And I was sort of craving a blessing.