Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Here and there

~just a pretty picture for the day
Wrote one brother last night about Mom coming home--the brother who said she'd be leaving there on the 11th (I'd not heard anything about this from the staff at the nursing home/rehab, so was curious as to the details), and he called me today.  My email last night spurred him on to call the social worker in charge of Mom and she's NOT supposed to come home next week.  Mom's speech therapist releasing her from their work caused her to think she was totally done with therapy and would be discharged.  Let's call it a brain-stimulated snafu on my mom's part, just a misunderstanding, but a pretty big one at that.

Anyway, the social worker went to visit Mom this morning and she wasn't even able to sit up in bed.  Told the soc. worker that she was just fatigued (her words).  Huh.  Add to this my oldest brother sitting in on her physical therapy last week and she was stubborn and rebellious.  Huh again.

Her stroke has encouraged a behavior that's childish in several ways---one in her logic, and her thinking she's more able than she really is, and her little temper fits.  Her perception of truth is a bit skewed as well.  An odd mix of traits, I'm thinking.

Not sure what this means, as her 100 days of total Medicare/Medicaid is about up around St. Patrick's Day. Thankfully God's got this covered, and I don't have to play His role.  I mess it up everytime.

But, on a high note, I replaced the part on the dryer today and it's working. Little old handyman, me.  I told the 2 youngest girls who came in and out of the kitchen while I was standing on my head behind the dryer that I partially do stuff like this to show them that they CAN.  It's very empowering to not have to always depend on my husband.  Funny thing is, though, it's easier to take a big appliance apart than it is to put it back together again.  Never fails!

Y'all take care.