Wednesday, January 28, 2015

'Still Life' by Christa Parrish

I am in awe of this book.  Christa Parrish in Still Life has created a masterpiece of human relationships.  I spent the first half of the book totally engrossed in the beauty of her writing, and the second half in tears.  

The story goes:  Katherine is having an affair, and about to head home to her family when she suddenly gives up her airline ticket to Julian, a well-known photographer, (whose flight is overbooked), so he can be at home for his wife's birthday---their first since marrying five months previous.  The plane crashes.  The remainder of the story is about how Julian's wife, Ada, deals with the tragedy, especially the difficulties from her religious cult upbringing---a life full of no's and shall not's.  Also, you follow Katherine as she deals with guilt at giving up her ticket, yet as a result gets a second chance at healing her marriage.  

I kept gasping as I read, completely surprised at the actions of the characters.  There's so much heart in it---and gut-wrenching pain.  Her writing was so rich in how she portrayed the hurting individuals, and everyone was hurting.  Everyone.  Just like real life.  But God's grace had the last word, even though folks had to go through the fire to reach Him.  Julian's beautiful faith even in death carried the story.  

Truly an amazing book.  And definitely a ten star out of five.

(i received this book free to review from booklookbloggers)