There seem to be two camps in Christian literature. Some enjoy more flowery language and lots of feminine detail. The others lean toward Anne Lamott. So far you can see where I'm going. That's my defense for sounding too harsh. It's just a taste thing.
Sally Clarkson gives extensive information on, what she calls, owning your life. To facing up to the difficulties and mastering them with the Lord's help. To not bend to the breaking point, but to learn through the tough times. The book, in a nutshell, can be sized up in this wonderful quote:
"Until we identify the burdens we carry, the voices we have become accustomed to hearing in our heads, and the fingers that accuse us about past sins, we cannot move forward. Whatever the sourcs of our burdens, we do not have to carry them. We are quite free to accept the newness and freshness of life that Jesus granted."
For young mothers who doubt their abilities, and need an older voice of experience, you'll likely appreciate Owning Your Life. For those of us who feel a bit jaded, maybe something more earthy is the ticket. Either way, there are books for all of us.
(i received this book free to review from tyndale)