Saturday, January 31, 2015

Taking time

Oh goodness.  Migraine beginning before bed last night.  Was reading and minding my own business, then my vision began playing tricks on me.  Then the zig-zaggy lines begun to show themselves.  Tylenol and aspirin, my drugs of choice. Within a half an hour, the worst was gone, and I could sleep.  Couldn't read, though.

Slept in this morning, had tea, staying quiet, family walking tip-toe around me, not rocking my boat.

God is good.

Bought flowers for the altar---for a member's grown son who passed away a few years ago.  I got three dozen multi-colored roses from Fresh Market.  So pretty.  Came home, middle daughter made dinner, and the girls are still watching an old Cornel Wilde/Gene Tierney movie.  Wicked woman she plays, a movie we've never seen before.  Usually the girls watch romances or light-hearted 40's films, but this is awful, least the wife is.  Beautiful house, though. :)

About to have tea again.  Oldest daughter, who's recovering from a gall bladder attack (cure of apple juice and consistent doses of organic vinegar---perfect), bought cookies at Fresh Market as well.  Will have one with my tea.  

Not much cleaning done in preparation for company tomorrow.  Lightly dusted the bookshelves and Gary mentioned we should light lots of candles.  Brilliant.  We did that at Thanksgiving when military son's girlfriend came over.  Minimal housekeeping at night points directly toward candlelight.

Resting now.  Colored my hair with the dark purple last night.  Can't really see it unless I'm in the sun.  Just a bit of foolishness that seemed necessary.  Life hurts, must find the simple joys.

I appear to be typing in sound bytes, but that seems apt with my precarious brain.  Gary says he refuses to push me in an wheelchair, so must take care of myself.  He's only sort of kidding.  The thing is, I can't handle what's been thrust at me.  I just can't.  I'm having to make a concerted effort to turn off my thoughts.  When they veer where they don't need to go, I remember Philippians 4:18.  
'Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable---if anything is excellent or praiseworthy---think on such things.'