Greg Paul in his newest book Simply Open talks about using our senses to invite God more fully into our lives. The book separately covers each sense, drawing on quiet moments to make us more available to what the Lord would tell us. He uses wonderful quotes (a weakness of mine) including this one:
"I neglect God ad his angels, for the noise of a fly, or the rattling of a coach, for the whining of a door."~John Donne
His reason for using the above-mentioned quote is that we, in the modern world, think that we alone know what noise is. We're inundated with all the technological racket and interruption, not realizing that the interference has been present for every generation.
It's interesting that certain ancient practices are beginning to be popular among more contemporary church denominations. As the attraction for the big and noisy wanes, folks are being drawn to the liturgical and contemplative. Those two things aren't dependent on one another, but they do have similar traits. I think we long for the tried and true, and the mystics do have several things going for them, and Paul uses their words and experiences to show how they connected with God.
Greg Paul is a sweet writer and as you read his words, you can actually hear his sincerity. He really believes in what he shares.
(i received this book free to review from booklookbloggers)