Thursday, January 22, 2015


Jury Duty, or what's considered around here to be the preliminary of real Jury Duty went well today.  Met up with about 2,500 (really?) of my favorite people to be part of a pool of folks who'll serve in April and May.  Thankfully we have a system here in town where jurors can select the week they want to be there.  Apparently we're either the only city that does this, or one of the only ones.  Pretty cool.

Anyway, the man who runs jury selection is such a truly nice person.  He's got a job nobody would envy, but he's in charge, and very approachable at the same time.  He said something that really got to me, and I jotted it down on the envelope my summons came in.  He was referring to all the running around folks do and he said it "takes the sweetness right out of the day."

Is that the most beautiful thing you've read today?  He followed up with that being another talk for another day.  Wish he'd been able to preach it.  Makes you stop and take notice.

Again....running around takes the "sweetness right out of the day."
