I read something recently, but can't remember where, about someone feeling as if they were walking in the shadow of God. Picture that. God's shadow. As close as His breath.
That's the image that came into my head the other day. I've prayed so continually and hard lately about our kids, and even yesterday the most curious thing happened. I'd been looking for some records of the younger kids'---school papers, and couldn't put my finger on them. I needed them right then for something important. I was frustrated. Anyway, we looked everywhere, and I just knew where I'd left them, but they weren't there. So, foolishly the last thing I thought of was to pray about it. I stopped, I prayed, and instantly was told to look in this certain pocket in my notebook. There they were. In minutes I just went ahead and asked Him where the other set of papers were, being that I'd put them elsewhere. Immediately, I knew where to look. That small, still voice.
I can be so slow.
That's how it's been this week.
My heart is broken. Who knew children could do that to you? I thought that was the territory of our husbands, or as the case may be, wives. But no, the children do hold our hearts in their hands.
Sleep is a welcome escape.
God has this one. My shoulders aren't broad enough. But His are. Thanks, Diane, for reminding me of that the other day when I'd mentioned a problem. Can't remember what it was, but your words 'God has this one' or something similar rang true to me. It was a comfort to hear.
What's so awesome is that He's been preparing me for this, having me keep my face in His Word. Disciplining me so that this isn't as hard to bear like it would be if I was having to move near Him, rather than already being at His Side. (Ridiculously long sentence, but I think it just might make sense.)
Now then. It's a holiday weekend (well, if you call football a holiday---one son is off work and will cook for us, but as to whether we watch the game---unlikely). I'm going to apply myself to enjoying it. Put up Valentine's Day decorations tomorrow, and make good food to enjoy. Capisce?